38 weeks & 2 weeks to go!!!!!
We’re finally in the home stretch!! It’s hard to imagine that he can come at anytime but with no Braxton Hicks, contractions, or other signs of labor I think it’ll still be a little while longer & I don’t mind! I’m still trying to take advantage of naps in the evening. ;-) Abdullah seems to think I’ll go around the 23rd and I feel more like September 1st. Any bets??
We got to see baby Jordan at our doctor’s appt last week and he is in perfect position for birth (His head is down with his face towards my back). Great news!
How far along are you?: 38 weeks
How big is baby?: Approximately 6 - 9 pounds, and about as long as he's going to get until he's born. The remaining weeks are just him putting on the extra weight.
Weight gain/loss?: +40. Ahhhh! I never thought I would gain this much, but it's all for the baby, right?
Stretch marks?: None on the ass, few on the belly and my boobs have seen better days.....
Maternity clothes?: I’m living in maxi dresses, skirts and linen shorts. Everything else ends up being too tight by the end of the day!
Sleep?: Ugh. Between the 4-5 trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night, being woken up by heart burn, or the sudden urge to snack on Chips A Hoy cookies & milk at 6 am, it’s been better. The snacking seriously has to stop!
Best moment this week?: Finishing the bedroom/nursery. It feels so good. Like ahh. I can finally take a deep breath and relax now.
Food cravings?: Ice cream and French dressing oddly.
Gender?: Handsome little Boy!
Movement?: All day long. It’s crazy how strong they’re getting. Sometimes his kicks are so hard it wakes me up in bed or has me jump in my chair.
Belly button?: I wouldn't say it has "popped," but it definitely isn't "in.".
Labor Signs?: None. The Doctor says my cervix is completely shut.
What do I miss?: Fitting in my clothes, not having back pains or sore knees, and not getting uncomfortable every 5 minutes in bed.
What I'm looking forward to this week? Getting my iPhone 4 fixed! I can’t wait to take pictures and videos of my little man once he’s born!
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